10 Quick Homework Tips
Cindy McKinley Alder & Patti Trombly
Quote from sample tip: “Your child is much more likely to finish homework and produce quality work if s/he has a special place in which to do it, equipped with all the tools s/he needs.”
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Kops-Fetherling International Book Awards/Gold Medal (Education)
57 Steps to Paradise: Finding Love in Midlife and Beyond
Looking for love in your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and yes, even your 80’s or 90’s? 57 Steps to Paradise will help you navigate dating in midlife and beyond. Lorenz unzips her soul and exposes her foibles during 50 years of men weaving their way in and out of her life, providing a heap of wit […]
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RECOMMENDED by IS Review of Books
100 Tips and Tools for Managing Chronic Illness
Joanna Charnas
Managing chronic illness demands persistent mindfulness and management. It’s a process that constantly evolves over a lifetime. 100 Tips and Tools for Managing Chronic Illness provides readers with one hundred different methods for accomplishing this task, offering personal examples that are humorous, heartfelt, and insightful. Anyone who lives with chronic illness or knows someone who […]
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2018 Book Excellence Award
108 Yoga and Self-Care Practices for Busy Mamas
Julie M. Gentile
Mama, do you find yourself too busy to take good care of yourself? Whatever your situation, you deserve spectacular health and wellness. With Julie M. Gentile as your personal wellness mentor, this book coaches you along your own authentic self-care path. Using 108 writing prompts and self-care practices, including yoga poses, meditations, and breathing exercises, […]
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IPPY Living Now Bronze Medal 2019
Book Excellence Award Finalist 2019
365 Teacher Secrets for Parents: Fun Ways to Help Your Child in Elementary School
This reference book, written by two experienced and successful (and, frankly, brilliant and talented) elementary school teachers, provides a day-by-day set of practical ideas and activities that parents can do at home with their elementary school-age children to help them become better students while also having fun. In all, there are 365 activities, representing all […]
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“Recommended” by US Review of Books
Listed on USA Book News/USA Best Book Awards
A Believer-in-Waiting’s First Encounters with God
A Believer in Waiting’s First Encounters with God allows readers an entrée into the world of what might be called a modern-day mystic, a world where spirituality, contemplation, hierophany, and miracles unite. Good, evil, suffering, darkness, unknowing, and the unconditional love of God are the leitmotifs that bind the author’s experiences from the physical world […]
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A Guide To Bliss
This practical guide and the method presented in it are based on a very simple principle. This principle states that all our negative emotional and mental states are the result of our currently limited and contracted mind. When we expand our mind, these states dissolve. A Guide to Bliss is a rich introduction to the […]
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Recommended by US Review of Books
A Movie Lover’s Search for Romance
Joanna Charnas
A diverting and informative story of searching for love in mid-life by a divorced social worker, who intertwines entertaining stories of successful love interests with well-known movies containing similar plots and themes. Written as diary entries covering a 15-year period, the author shares openly, in detail, and with insights her experiences with dating, friendships, affairs, […]
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Hollywood Book Festival Honorable Mention – autobiography/biography/memoir
Book Excellence Awards Finalist
Pinnacle Book Achievement Award (memoir)
A Theology for the Rest of Us
Arthur Yavelberg
If God exists and is good, why is there evil?” Avoiding such questions underlies the spiritual emptiness and anxiety in today’s world. A Theology for the Rest of Us explores how to approach the divine through Eastern and Western religious traditions–without dogma; challenging readers to “Be ye lamps unto yourselves.” Eye-opening book shares the roots […]
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American Book Fest Best Books finalist
Best Indie Book Award 2020, Winner Nonfiction – Theology
International Book Impact Award
Literary Titan Silver Award
Pinnacle Book Achievement Award
A View through the Fog
Bob McGee
A View through the Fog is compelling, poignant, and packed with both moving and hilarious anecdotes. All human life (and death) is here. With his own distinct voice, McGee opens the door on the dizzying world of the Golden Gate Bridge—the beauty of both nature and the bridge itself, the camaraderie and friction with colleagues, […]
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Literary Titan gold
Pinnacle Book Achievement Award
Eric Hoffer Finalist First Horizon Award (Eric Hoffer debut author)
Eric Hoffer Grand Prize Shortlist
Eric Hoffer Grand Prize Honorable Mention
A Woman’s Guide to Self-Nurturing: How to Build Self-Esteem by Being Nice to Yourself
Joanna Romer
A Woman’s Guide to Self-Nurturing offers a new perspective on how to comfort yourself while bolstering self-esteem. Using Bible stories as well as creative techniques for self-nurturing, the book will help you determine exactly what pleases you and nourishes your self-esteem, expand your repertoire of self-nurturing techniques by adding love and gratitude, and show you […]
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Achieving Native-Like Second Language Competence: Volume 1: Speaking
Betty Lou Leaver
This book is the first in a planned series (speaking, reading, listening, and writing) that reports on a research project to discover what the critical factors are for reaching near-native levels of second language proficiency, based on in-depth interviews with individuals who have formally tested at those levels. THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE FROM THE […]
An Afternoon’s Dictation: Inclusive Revelation for the 21st Century
In 1999 Steven Greenebaum felt he’d hit the wall. Fifty years old, he could not make sense of his life or the world around him. For several months he angrily demanded answers from God, if God were there. One afternoon, an inner voice told him to get a pen and paper and write. Steven then […]
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Winner. London Book Festival
Firebird Book Awards honorable mention
Pacific Book Award finalist (runner-up)
Literary Titan gold award
Today’s Indies runner-up
Book Fest honorable mention
Chanticleer International Book Awards finalist
American Book Legacy finalist
Pinnacle Book Achievement Award
Andrew’s Awesome Adventures with His ADHD Brain
Dr. Kristin Wilcox with Andrew Wilcox
Change what you think you know about ADHD. In this two-part book, Andrew, a child with inattentive-type ADHD, and his mom, Kristin Wilcox, Ph.D., each tell their story about living with the inattentive subtype of ADHD. How do you survive life and middle school with an ADHD elephant in your brain? Kids with ADHD […]
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- Best Indie Book Award for nonfiction/health
- Literary Titan Book Award Gold Medal
- Readers’ Favorite Honorable Mention
- Pinnacle Book Achievement Award
Anger Anonymous
Dr. Dennis Ortman
When you feel in the grip of anger, ask yourself these questions: -Do you feel powerless to control your temper? -Does your anger frighten you so much that you feel compelled to suppress it? -Does your life feel unmanageable because of your anger? -Does your preoccupation with the unfairness of life and being wronged interfere […]
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Legacy Award in Psychology, Kops-Fetherling International Books Award competition 2020
Book of the Year 2017 Finalist
Anxiety Anonymous: The Big Book of Anxiety Addiction
When you are in the grip of anxiety, fear, or worry: Do you feel powerless to stop your reacting? Does your life feel unmanageable? Does your craving for control interfere with your life? Do you feel hopeless for a cure? If you answer “yes” to these questions, you anxiety has become an addiction. It acts […]
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#1 in Hot New Releases on Amazon
Finalist, Best Books Awards
Awesome Couple Communication: Expressing What You Mean and Understanding What the Other Meant
Patt Hollinger Pickett, Ph.D.
Awesome Couple Communication is a spin-off of “Dr. Patt’s” award-winning book, The Marriage Whisperer. In simple, jargon-free language and with clear examples, Dr. Pickett presents 14 couples with communication challenges. She describes the source of the miscommunication and presents suggestions for other couples in similar circumstances to follow in moving from the miscommunication to the […]
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“Recommended” by US Review of Books
Being Catholic in Troubled Times: Strength through Faith
Dennis Ortman
These are times that try our souls. This book is addressed to all, not just Catholics, who search for deeper meaning in tough times. Our age is marked by division and alienation. We long for some message that will bring peace to our world and our hearts. This book suggests that the Catholic faith can […]
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blest atheist
As a young child, outraged by the hypocrisy she finds in a church that does nothing to alleviate the physical and sexual abuse she experiences on a regular basis, Beth delivers an accusatory youth sermon and gets her family expelled from the church. Having locked the door on God, Beth goes on to raise a […]
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Christian Studies Shelf. Small Press Bookwatch
Choice and Structure for Children with Autism: Getting through the Long Days of Quarantine
Colette McNeil
How are you and your child with autism managing during his time of quarantine? Are you productively juggling or really struggling? Is your daughter playing throughout your home or staying alone? During interactions, is your son engaged or enraged? Are your toys being enjoyed or does your child get annoyed? After most days do you […]
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Gold Award, Education, Reader Views Literary Awards
Silver Award, Parenting, Reader Views Literary Awards
Choice and Structure for Children with Autism: Second Edition
Colette McNeil
How are you and your child with autism managing at home? Are you productively juggling or really struggling? Is your daughter playing throughout your home or staying alone? During interactions, is your son engaged or enraged? Are your toys being enjoyed or does your child get annoyed? After most days do you feel celebrated or […]
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Pinnacle Book Achievement Award (parenting)
Edition 1: Winner of Readers’ Views Gold Award for Education
Edition 1: Winner of Readers’ Views Silver Award for Parenting
Christmas at the Mission: A Cat’s View of Catholic Customs and Beliefs
Sula, Parish Cat at Old Mission
Sula the Cat does it again! Sula, parish cat at Old Mission San Juan Bautista, is a cat with a special mission: to comfort people in need. Every morning, she spends time with St. Francis, patron saint of animals, and receives guidance for the day. During Masses, led by the Holy Spirit, she seeks out […]
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Clean Your Plate! 13 Things Good Parents Say That Ruin Kids’ Lives
Liz Bayardelle, Ph.D.
Parents mean well, we really do. We want our kids to get good grades, stop hitting their siblings, and, yes, clean their plate at dinnertime. It shouldn’t be that hard, right? Wrong. Sometimes these harmless sounding statements don’t work. Even worse, they often backfire to cause unexpected and unwelcome side effects for us and for our kids. (Just like […]
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Literary Titan Book Award Gold Medal 2021
Readers’ Favorite Book Competition Finalist 2021
Communicative Focus
Boris Shekhtman with Dina Kupchanka
In Communicative Focus, Boris Shekhtman describes in detail the principles and practices used in his approach to language teaching. He is not afraid to talk about some aspects of language learning and teaching, such as the development of lexical and grammatical accuracy, as well as the need for memorization and the development of memory, that […]
Creative Aging: A Baby Boomer’s Guide to Successful Living
This book encourages those who are at or nearing retirement to actively plan for the years ahead. Individual stories of Boomers who have learned to flourish after age 50 are showcased, along with productive influences gained from spirituality, health, and “the Woodstock Generation,” including how to take inspiration from childhood and young adulthood to reignite; […]
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Curse of the Maestro and Other Stories
GT Walker
A psychopath’s scented love letters. Neo-Nazi music journalism. The museum guestbook, right beside a lifelike diorama of musicians in their natural habitat. This collection of hybrid fiction is all that remains of the Stonehaven Symphony Orchestra. In the aftermath of their fiery tour bus mishap, Curse of the Maestro documents the lives, loves, and musical pursuits of tuxedo-clad misfits in their own words, a shameless allegory […]
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Literary Titan Silver Award
Damascus amid the War
Muna Imady
Written by popular author, Muna Imady, whose book, Syrian Folktales, has delighted an uncountable number of readers outside of Syria, Damascus amid the War tells the very human story of the devolution of a society. The book containts 29 pre-war poins, vibrant with imagery of daily life in a robust Damascus. The 100 war poems that […]
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Depression Anonymous: The Big Book on Depression Addiction
Dr. Dennis Ortman
When you feel depressed, suffering from a deep sadness, do you feel powerless over your mood? Does your life feel unmanageable because of it? Does your preoccupation with past hurts and regrets interfere with your life? Do you feel hopeless about finding a cure for your depression? If you answer “yes” to these questions, you […]
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Book of the Year finalist
Día de Muertos
Sula, Gata parrioquial en la Antigua Misión
El Día de Muertos es una celebración muy importante, popular y solemne en San Juan Bautista, California, y en la Antigua Misión de San Juan Bautista, una de las misiones establecidas por los frailes franciscanos cuando se fundó California, y hogar de la gata parroquial, Sula. La comida, la oración y el recuerdo son parte […]
Diary of an RVer during Quarantine
Larry MacDonald
This nonfiction book provides a humorous glimpse into a couple’s strategies for surviving two weeks of quarantine within the confines of their RV. The author’s diary includes his never-ending “to-do” list as well as the couple’s routine and unique activities, such as ordering groceries and restaurant meals online for delivery to their RV site, playing […]
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Divorced: Survival Techniques for Singles over Forty
Divorced! Survival Techniques for Singles over 40 shares the stories of men and women just like you who have gone through the trauma of divorce, and now feel comfortable talking about it. Turning to God, to friends, family and even therapy, these adults were able to pull their lives back together again. Whether your divorce […]
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Easter at the Mission: A Cat’s Observation of the Paschal Mystery
Sula, Parish Cat at Old Mission
Sula, the now-famous church cat, tackles a mysterious topic for her fifth book: What is Easter, what is its meaning, what are the beliefs behind Catholic behaviors associated with the Lenten season and Easter, why is it called the Paschal mystery? Sula answers these questions with history, dogma, and humor. And, of course, with pictures, […]
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El Poder de lo Transpersonal
Nelson Fernando Ustman
En “Lo Transpersonal” todas las cosas se conectan y nada está suelto ni es independiente, igual las palabras de este libro están unidas las unas a las otras como los hechos de nuestra vida para poder lograr una alianza entre la razón y la emoción, entre lo humano y lo divino, entre oriente y occidente, […]
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Entienda el desafío del -NO- en los niños con autismo
Colette McNeil
Los invito a un viaje en el que se desenvolverán pequeñas capas de concientización, resaltando el cómo escogiendo cuidadosamente el vocabulario se puede mejorar de gran manera su relación con un niño con autismo. Las páginas de este libro están llenas con anécdotas educativas que exploran la comunicación, regulación emocional, y dificultades en la relación […]
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Everybody’s Little Book of Everyday Prayers
Cynthia MacGregor
People are often at a loss to find the right words to say in prayer. Whether you’re a believer but unchurched or are a devout member of a religion, if you wish to expand your home worship, finding the right words to say to God can be a problematic issue. The prayers in Everybody’s Little […]
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5 stars. Netgalley.
Exercising in a Pandemic
Pat Young
The pandemic has closed gym doors, booted exercise clubs off schedules, and made group athletic activities dangerous. Even national sports have taken a hit, big-time. So, what are you to do? Don’t give up on keeping your body in shape! Be creative. This book helps you identify the exercising opportunities around you—realistic ones discovered by […]
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Forget the Goal, The Journey Counts… 71 Jobs Later
Alfred Stites
Al Stites has lived a rich 88 years. His orientation toward thinking positively has led him to an incredible 71 jobs, each of them providing him with rich experiences. Many of the people that the author has worked with would be recognized by anyone, ranging from Hal Holbrook to Ethel Kennedy to Prince Borghese of […]
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From Deep Within: A Forensic & Clinical Psychologist’s Journey
Susan Lewis, Ph.D.
Criminals, innocent victims, perpetrators–all without a voice, driven by their demons to suffer a lifetime of serious mental illness–share their innermost secrets with the author, a clinical and forensic psychologist. Enter the dialogue: open to the first page. You won’t stop reading! ORDER FROM THE MSI PRESS WEBSTORE! ALL PERTINENT DISCOUNTS APPLY!
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Literary Titan Gold Award
From Tuscany with Love
From Tuscany with Love is an emotional memoir capturing the heartfelt journey of a scared, little girl from the rolling hills of Lucca to the bustling life in America. Through evocative stories and cherished family recipes, the author pays tribute to the rich culture, love, and flavors that shaped her life. This memoir beautifully blends personal […]
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Girl, You Got This! A Fitness Trainer’s Personal Strategies for Success Transitioning into Motherhood
Transitioning to motherhood is hard. Along with it comes a lot of fear, anxiety and responsibility. You want to provide everything for your new child, and it is all too easy to let other things – like self-care – slide. How do new moms stay on top of finances, a healthy diet, housework, a fitness […]
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God Speaks into Darkness: Spiritual Perspectives for Troubled Times
J Bennett Easterling
Part of a series on the coronavirus pandemic written by MSI Press authors to share expertise, help, and hope, these brief devotionals speak to the enormous challenges facing our world today. So many of you are grieving loss of loved ones, or risking your life daily to help others, or facing loss of your livelihood, […]
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Pinnacle Book Achievement Award
American Book Fest Best Books Finalist/Religion
GodSway: My Anecdotes with God
Diana Skidmore Keathley
Diana Skidmore Keathley’s journey-of-faith account details a lifetime of extraordinary divine encounters. Messages from God in her childhood were countered by episodes of engulfing fear, culminating in one terrifying attack. In a last-ditch effort to rid herself of the torment, she challenged God’s love for her and trusted Him to overcome the darkness. God responded […]
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Literary Titan Gold Award
New York Book Festival honorable mention
Hollywood Book Festival honorable mention
Good Blood: A Journey of Healing
Irit Schaffer
When she was a child, her father said that he had “good blood,” and it was why he and his wife survived and healed from the Holocaust. The author searched for the meaning and significance of her father’s words over two continents and through four generations. Her journey uncovered a unique voice of wisdom revealing […]
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Paris Book Festival, Runner-Up, Spiritual/Religious Category, 2021
Hollywood Book Festival 2021, silver medal in spiritual category, honorable mention in history category
Book Excellence Award 2018
#11 in Amazon’s hot new releases/Holocaust
#68 in Amazon’s hot new releases/counseling
Good Blood, a journey of healing (second edition)
Irit Schaffer
When she was a child, her father said that he had “good blood” and it was why he and his wife survived and healed from the Holocaust. The author searched for the meaning and significance of her father’s words over two continents and through four generations. Her journey uncovered a unique voice of wisdom revealing […]
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The first edition of this book won several awards:
Hollywood Book Festival finalist
Paris Book Festival finalist
Book Excellence Award
The second edition has won the following award:
Pinnacle Book Achievement Award
Harnessing the Power of Grief
Julie Potter
Julie Potter is no stranger to grief, having, in her career, coordinated a hospital-based wellness program including a spousal bereavement program. In this book, she traces back decades the research on understanding and coping with grief, which she describes as a natural human response to loss. Pulling from the work of Worden, the author prescribes […]
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Best Indie Book Award 2020 Grief and Bereavement
Healing from Incest: Intimate Conversations with My Therapist
Geri Henderson and Seanne Emerton
In speaking about Healing from Incest, Susan J. Lewis, Ph.D., J.D., Healing writes: “”Brave, profound, touching, healing. This well-written, honest book takes the reader inside the complexities of the therapeutic healing process from the patient and therapist’s unique perspective. It is the story of hard work, hope, commitment and recovery!” Healing from Incest tells the […]
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Book Excellence Award 2018
Book of the Year Finalist 2015
Recommended by US Review of Books
Heart to Heart Resuscitation: A Memoir
Victor Montgomery III
I have your six… The window of opportunity to make a difference for someone considering suicide can be a matter of seconds. The real-life stories in this book illustrate this tension dramatically. H2H Resuscitation-the book and the therapeutic model-provides encouragement and hope to overcome combat veterans’ immediate life-threatening depression and suicidal thoughts, the priority being […]
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Literary Titan gold award
Heart to Heart Resuscitation: My Journal
Victor Montgomery III
This journal was written to accompany the book, Heart-to-Heart Resuscitation: A Memoir. It contains prompts for reflection and journaling in 12 different areas (“chapters”). There is also space for “additional journaling” should it be needed.
Barnes & Noble Powell's Books-A-Million
Helping the Disabled Veteran: How to Assist Your Disabled Veteran’s Adjustment to Civilian Life
Joanna Romer
In this, her final, book, the late Joanna Romer suggests ways to assist disabled veterans leaving the military and trying to integrate back into mainstream society in spite of their disabilities. Chapters contain recommendations, suggestions, and practical suggestions, based on a large number of wide-ranging interviews with disabled veterans about their experiences after returning from […]
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He’s a Porn Addict…Now What? An Expert and a Former Addict Answer Your Questions
Tony Overbay, LMFT, & Joshua Shea
Admitting you’re a drug addict or alcoholic can be difficult, but when it comes to pornography addiction, the pain of betrayal can hit the addict’s partner worse than the addict himself. Difficult questions come rushing: Does he look at this stuff because I’m not enough? Was he like this when I first met him? Is […]
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