Everyone should have a cat that captures the heart and captivates the imagination. That is what Intrepid did for us.
Carl and Betty Lou Leaver have rescued dozens of cats in Amman and California, integrating new cates into already-integrated families. They have had as many six formerly feral cats sharing their home at a time, peacefully, though they will tell you that this state is not achieved easily or quickly
Carl Leaver is a former forester and former wildlife photographer, who has enjoyed taking pictures of Intrepid and his adopted siblings. A computer graphics specialist, he works as typesetter and cover designer for MSI Press. He most recently edited the MSI Press book, Overcoming the Odds.
Betty Lou Leaver is a former educational administrator and a current life coach and cross-cultural consultant for US government agencies and others. She has written more than two dozen books, published by a variety of presses, and answers cat questions on Quora.
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