Published Books

Practices That Work: Bringing Learners to Professional Proficiency in World Languages
ISBN: 978-1950328673$19.95
The many and varied demands of the digital age require cadres of professionals capable of collaborating effectively and engaging globally in the world’s languages and cultures. This volume represents a collection of classroom- and field-tested practices used to prepare global professions to the highest standards of proficiency in their languages in order to meet these global challenges. Culled from faculty of government, private, and state educational programs, these “practices that work” offer the language practitioner a selection of “recipes” for helping language learners attain near-native professional proficiency. The techniques and practices offered in these pages can be incorporated and used in virtually any curriculum or learning environment and are highly learner centered. The path to native-like proficiency in world languages can be demanding, but this volume can help make it more productive and enjoyable.
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This thoroughly updated and expanded edition, with 39 contributions from well-known experts, provides a wealth of resources for language practitioners who are committed to bringing their learners to professional-level language proficiency. Bridging a diversity of institutional contexts and learning environments, the volume offers a comprehensive array of effective instructional models, pedagogical practices, and learning techniques. This is a must-have handbook for language professionals teaching at the highest proficiency levels! Nelleke Van Deusen-Scholle, Ph.D., Director, Center for Language Study, Yale University
Impressive, original, and eminently practical, this book has multiple concise insights and strategies for teaching and learning that will be of immediate use to teachers, program developers, and trainers. A terrific new language-learning resource!
Karin Ryding, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, Georgetown UniversityThe surprising insights on language learning by the highly-experienced chapter authors of Practices will improve the teaching of both neophyte and seasoned language professional engaged in instruction at the Advanced Plus and Professional levels of proficiency.
Christine Campbell, Ph.D., President, Campbell Language Associates, Professor Emerita, Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center
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