Published Books

Christmas at the Mission: A Cat’s View of Catholic Customs and Beliefs
ISBN: 978-1942891390$19.95
Sula the Cat does it again! Sula, parish cat at Old Mission San Juan Bautista, is a cat with a special mission: to comfort people in need. Every morning, she spends time with St. Francis, patron saint of animals, and receives guidance for the day. During Masses, led by the Holy Spirit, she seeks out whomever God wants her to comfort, and they report that she brings comfort, indeed. In her spare time, she writes books. This time, she is writing about Christmas traditions and how she experiences them as a parish cat. Ever wonder where our various Christmas customs come from? Sula tells you about the history and the customs today, both mainstream American Catholic and Mexican American Catholic customs since both are part of her parish in California. Charmingly illustrated with an Eastern flavor by Russian artist, Zhenya Yanovich.
Sula the Cat, parish cat, Old Mission San Juan Bautista, Christmas traditions, Catholic Christmas customs, Mexican American Christmas, St. Francis of Assisi, Holy Spirit guidance, comforting cat, inspirational cat story, religious holiday traditions, Christmas history, Catholic faith, Mission church, California Missions, Christmas customs explained, illustrated cat book, Zhenya Yanovich illustrations, faith and animals, heartwarming holiday story
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Other books by Sula, Parish Cat at Old Mission:
Surviving Cancer, Healing People: One Cat’s Story
Stories about Sula:
“Cat with a Divine Mission” Guideposts, December 2015 issue
“Sula the Cat Is on a Mission in San Juan” The Morgan Hill Times
“Mission Cat’s Story Is a Tale of Hope” Benito-Link
“Mission Cat’s Story Is a Tale of Hope for People Fighting Cancer” Best Cat Page
“Mudpie Interviews Sula” Melissa’s Mochas, Mysteries, and Meows
“Sula’s Corner” Save the Mission SJB
“Cat with a Divine Mission” All Creatures Magazine, November-December 2017 issue
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