10-week introductory online course, synchronous and asynchronous, for new and previously unhappily self-published authors, providing an overview of how a book gets into print and how you can make your envisioned book more ready for the trek. Online hour for group questions, Saturdays at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time. One hour free personal consultation to be arranged after completing all course requirements. Lots of hands-on learning activities. Focused on maximum individualization for your own book project or potential book project.Taught by a published author (more than two dozen books), experienced trained (in more than 24 countries), editorial advisor to three leading academic presses, experienced copyeditor (more than 100 books), author advisor (more than 100 authors), and acquisitions & manageing editor for MSI Press, one of the top book publishers in California–and one of the very few publishers in the USA that specializes in publishing first-time authors.
Class size limited to 10 participants for maximum personalization.
Framable certificate offered.
Courses begin on the first Monday of each calendar quarter: January, April, July, September. Enrollment accepted at any time, but course materials will be sent only with the start of the next quarter.
Week 1. Shaping a though, idea, or experience into a viable book concept
Discusson hour: evalaution of ideas (existence of niche, narrow enough focus)
Week 2. Everything is story – what is your story/message
Discussion hour; sharing stories
Week 3. Starting your book – outline, “research,” and theme
Discussion hour: “research” is needed (even for memoirs), is your outline manageable, is your them classic enough to sell & does it reflect your “message”
Week 4: Table of Contents – organizing your research or experience into “story”
Discussion hour: sharing of TOCs, do they reflect the theme, message, and reasonable progressing/organization of your story
Week 5.Sample chapters – how to choose them, what to put into them
Discussion: sharing of sample chapter content outlines
Week 6. Writing tips – what makes writing publishable
Discussion hour: evaluation of writing activites assigned in lesson (focused on preparing to write sample chapters, including writeing “rules” and expectations of readers and publishers
Week 7. Writing a sample chapter – the tools that make a story come alive (charctaer, plot, dialogue)
Discussion hour: sharing and evalutating sample chapters
Week 8. FInding the right publisher or literary agent – which way to go, depending upon the status of your “plstform” and whom you wish to reach
Discussion hour: personal publisher/agent choices and feedback
Week 9. Prepare a formal book proposal
Discussion hour: sharing and evalaution proposals
Week 10. From book acceptance to book in hand – understanding the process for your own good and maximum book opportunity
Discussion hour: Q&A about the processes involved
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