Published Books

How My Cat Made Me a Better Man
ISBN: 978-1933455457$19.95
Jeremy Feig was at rock bottom – broke, alone, and living in a shoebox-sized apartment. At the same time, his cat was perfectly content. What was her secret? She couldn’t say it out loud, but it was clear she had all the answers to living a good life. How My Cat Made Me a Better Man is a hilarious self-help book for guys that gals like, too, based on the lessons of an edgy cat named Shelly. It’s packed with useful advice on topics like relationships, dealing with stress, and even grooming habits. If you feel like your life is spinning out of control, this book will help you set things right – and keep you laughing along the way.
Winner of the Kops-Fetherling International Books Awards legacy humor award and finalist for Book of the Year Award, How My Cat Made Me a Better Man is a “darling” of cat bloggers, recipient of a Readers’ Favorite 5-star review, and “highly recommended” by MidWest Book Review.
Delightfully illustrated with pen-and-ink drawings by famed Russian artist, Zhenya Yanovich.
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Kops-Fetherling International Book Awards, Legacy Award Winner/Humor
Finalist, 2016 Book of the Year Award
Self-Help Shelf, Small Press Bookwatch, MidWest Book Review (“highly recommended”)
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